
Month: October 2021

Traveling During COVID-19: 5 Ways to Have a Safe Vacation

Written by:   AVLCI / October 20, 2021

The past few months have definitely caused a lot of worry and stress in all of us. Aside from cancelled flights and rebooked trips, everything that has happened around the globe has gotten us all thinking – can we still enjoy our next getaways? Is it still possible to have fun without being scared or […]

Tags: travel tips, traveling during covid 19, Vacation Club, vacation club philippines,

Packing for Palawan: What to Bring on Your Next Vacay

Written by:   AVLCI / October 6, 2021

Finally, after months of getting cooped up inside your home, you can now enjoy a bit of freedom! The first thing that comes to mind is getting a change of scenery, and that scene should definitely involve lots of sun and sand! The Philippines may be home to 7,641 islands, but you have already rounded […]

Tags: packing for palawan, travel tips, travelling palawan, Vacation Club,

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