
5 of the Many Countries You Can Travel to via RCI with an AVLCI Membership

March 1, 2023

Written by AVLCI

One of the most beautiful things about traveling is that you can never really run out of countries and cities to visit. The adventure never stops! And as odd as it may seem, it is also equally euphoric to think that you always leave a piece of yourself in the places once unknown to you.

However, as boundless as this world may seem, there are only a few destinations that offer the exact type of thrill we are craving for. We could spend the rest of our lifetimes experiencing everything that this magnificent world has to offer, but in the end, there will always be that one special place where we would feel like we truly belong. It is where we would keep going back to, the place we would always consider our second home.

If you happen to have a timeshare ownership with Astoria Vacation and Leisure Club, Inc. (AVLCI), one of the best advantages that you have as a member is that you could easily travel to any of the affiliated properties of RCI. This is because we are proudly accredited and recognized by the largest timeshare exchange network in the whole world. Sounds fancy, right?

Are you interested to find out which destination is the perfect fit for you and the type of adventure you want? These are just some of the places abroad that are all within your reach as a vacation club member!

1. For the high-spirited travelers: USA


With its vibrant city lights, electrifying vibes, and the buzzing noise of the daily hustle and bustle, there is absolutely no doubt that Las Vegas is the perfect haven for those who are into an energetic lifestyle. You could never run out of activities to do, considering the city’s endless list of casinos, urban tourist attractions, and even luxurious dining spots. Of course, you could never really make the most out of this place without experiencing its thrilling nightlife!

2. For the island lovers: Thailand



Aside from its breathtaking temples, opulent royal palaces, and ancient ruins, Thailand is also known for its tropical beaches. For those of you who are into the coastal lifestyle, you might just find yourself unable to leave this paradise! Whether you decide to go island-hopping or swimming, surely you can always find a home in Thailand’s crystal-clear waters and calming shores.

3. For the country-side enthusiasts: New Zealand


For those of you who are just looking for a laid-back adventure, we believe that you belong in the Land of the Long White Cloud! Famous for its lush greeneries, vast landscapes, and postcard-like sceneries, New Zealand is definitely the perfect home for those who are into the rustic, rural lifestyle. Been wanting to experience fishing, camping, and other relaxing country-side hobbies? You are free to do them here!

4. For the adventurous diners: Italy



If a table is filled with generous servings of pasta, pizza, steak, and gelato, it is easy to gather people around. For the longest time, Italian cuisine has always been a crowd-favorite, regardless of the occasion. Somehow, Italians are also known for their incredible passion in cooking and in bringing their culture alive with every bite of the dishes that they prepare. This is exactly the reason why Italy is truly the place-to-be for all hungry foodies! We are sure that when you start treating yourselves with authentic and flavorful platters of this well-loved cuisine, you will never stop wanting for more!

5. For the cultural geeks: South Korea


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We cannot deny the fact that South Korea is one of the most technologically advanced countries not just in Asia, but in the whole world. However, what is uniquely impressive about this place is that they still take pride in their traditions and culture. Their cities might be buzzing with the noise of the urban jungle, but beyond the lively lights and the busy streets, there lies the unforgotten heritage of the country. Their famous palaces, traditional houses, and unique practices are still being proudly celebrated and highlighted. For those of you who get geeky and excited in learning about a country’s background and diversity, the experience of wearing a “hanbok” will surely be one for the books.

True enough, only the most prestigious and the most credible vacation clubs can provide this kind of world-class service! Unlike the unfortunate timeshare scams plotted by timeshare frauds, a legitimate vacation ownership such as AVLCI can bring the whole world much closer to its beloved members. Some members have even written their feedback and comments about their amazing journey through the AVLCI reviews and testimonials page here. Now, have you decided where to book that plane ticket yet?


Tags: business travel, travel tips,

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